So, you are wondering what this is all about and what is the deal with the G in our name. Maybe you met us at a Con and we handed you a business card and told you to take a look. First of all, we would like to thank you for visiting our site and checking us out. We hope you like what you see. is a website devoted to bringing you beautiful, artistic and erotic photos of women who are just as geeky as you are. All the gnymphs on this site are smart, sexy women who know that a d12 is only useful if you are wielding a greataxe and that it was sacreligious to have Greedo shoot first. The G in our name stands for Geek, Gamer, and Gorgeous. When women who know calculus, C++ and the history of Clan Tremere decide to display their exhibitionist tendencies, is the result.
Contact Us:
How can I view the photos?
The Preview page will allow you to see a slideshow which features selected photos from all the series. Once you register as a member (free) you have the option to purchase series for both viewing and download. The photos in the series you have purchased will be available for you to view at several resolutions in our image viewer.
Why should I register as a member?
Membership is free and grants you access to forums, the profile pages of the individual gnymphs, and their blogs. Once you are a member you can take full advantage of the site and purchase series for your own album.
How can I become a gnymph?
If you are a geeky girl over the age of 18 with exhibitionist tendencies who would like to join our site, please send an email to any of the gnymphs or to The world can never have too many gnymphs.
Legal Information:
All the photographs on the site are copyright Gnymphs LLC. Please do not attempt to use the photographs for any purpose other than your own personal viewing pleasure. We reserve the right to cancel memberships or deny services to any person at any time. |